Fundamental of Computer and Operating Systems: Introduction to computer, input devices output devices, primary storage and secondary storage devices, number systems, types of operating system, MAC OS, Linux, major functions, user interface, protection and security.
MS Office (Ms-Word, Ms-Excel, Ms-Power Point): Toolbars & buttons, formatting toolbar, file operations in ms word, menu bar formula bar, editing data, replacing cell data, deleting cell contents, copying data, moving data, presentation, slides, creation of presentation, blank presentation, slide layouts, slide transition, insert video or sound clips into slide.
Accounting with Tally: Tally the best for basic financial management tally the best for advanced financial management tally is best for basic inventory management tally is the best for advanced inventory management, the technology advantage tally. ERP 9, statutory compliance capabilities in tally. ERP 9, payroll compliance in tally. ERP 9.
Desktop Publishing (PageMaker, Photoshop): New features in PageMaker 7.0, understanding pacemaker tools,Multimedia basics, adding and accessing drawing information, lines, shapes and outlines, opening an image, image size, color mode, working with layers, adding in more images, cropping, creating areas of solid colors, adding text, saving your Photoshop image.
Graphics and Web Designing: Introduction to interactivity, planning your website, fundamentals of the web, web design tools, fundamentals of HTML, XHTML, and CSS, Graphics, color, and transparency, formatting text with CSS, advanced CSS layout, browser compatibility, mobile design, HTML5 Essentials.
Computer Programming with C: Types of computing environments, computer languages, creating and running programs, data types in C, input/output functions, nested for loop, jump statements, arrays, strings, functions, memory allocation functions, file.